How Can Content Marketing Help Your Business
Have you ever thought of using content marketing to propel the growth of your business, but are clueless regarding the next steps. This post is all about using content marketing to grow your business.
So, let’s get started without further ado. Here’s how content marketing can help your business:
This simple approach meant the articles they created provided a bunch of value covering important things about the industry they were in.
The results were surprising?
How content helped Monetate grow
Let’s look at the example of Monetate. They produced content around topics relevant to the business. As a direct result of blogging their traffic grew by 353%. 46% of the traffic came from referrals.
The content didn’t dilute focus on Monetate. Instead by providing so much value Monetate brought itself to the front and center. The fact that they were trying to honestly help people stuck with prospects. This brought a great deal of success when it came to converting them.
What they simply do is show what they do and tell you how you can do it too. This results in incredible value with each and every post they share.
Their blog is very eye-opening.
Their content marketing strategy is around stories people want to hear. With these stories they communicate compelling points around problems and difficulties and use the blog as a springboard to talk about solutions. They talk about specific problems and offer specific solutions which tie well to their core demographics.
If you look at the Shopify blog, you will find a similar strategy at place.
Finally, if you offer a free trial of your product, it’s going to be way easier to convert users you are attracting through content marketing staying at the fence.
Sarson’s vinegar uses videos to connect with millennials
Another similar example of a brand that used video marketing to prop up its brand is Sarson’s Vinegar.
Sarson’s is not a brand you immediately recognize and neither is the product flying off shelves.
They launched a video campaign to target a young audience and spark interest in vinegar once again.
The video series aimed at dispelling myths and outlining benefits of vinegar.
How did they do this?
They searched for and studied popular videos on YouTube relevant to their core product.
They looked at home cooking, and pickling recipes and trends behind them. With this they showcased how the product can be used for pickling and for making cocktails. Next, they targeted an audience based on demographics and their keyword searches.
The idea worked, with the campaign generating over 4 million views. What’s more? This approach led to a 541% growth in web traffic to their site. It changed brand perception and brought a new young audience to the product.
By tapping into nostalgia and the power of recipes to deliver the product’s goodness.
It’s a great example of tailoring content to suit the audience.
These are some of the ways you can use content marketing to grow your brand and business.
Make no mistake: content marketing can unlock several benefits for your business.
It’s a dream come true if your content goes viral attracting millions of visitors in a single day.
Hootsuite was able to do it with some astute planning.
They are one of the social media marketing tools. However, they did this without big budget. So can you.
It’s so simple anyone can do it. The video got more than 1 million views and gathered 11000 likes and got 400 plus comments.
The social media platform with just 21000 customers did this by tapping into a trend.
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is popular. In fact it’s one of the most watched tv shows over. To give a sense of popularity: here’s a stat— 10 million people watch every episode live. Hootsuite with its marketing reached 1 million fans.
They did this by creating a video that appealed to its audience by piggybacking on the show’s massive appeal.
Yes, they spent $5000. I realize that kind of budget is out of reach for most people reading this post. Don’t worry.
The video you create will still create waves even if you don’t have $5000 to spend. Browse fiverr to look for sellers who can work with your budget. You can ask for their past work to gauge their quality. You need not always wait for a big break for video marketing. You can create small videos with free screen recorders. Eventually that will alone bring tides of traffic.
They charge super low prices.
Produce long in-depth content
Research shows us that content the posts that rank on the top 10 results on Google are usually 2000 words or longer. So the need of the hour is to produce longer content that covers different aspects of a topic in detail.
Research has shown time and again that long form content generally gets more links. This directly helps in getting more links to you.
The graph from Hubspot shows how content length relates to number of backlinks you get.
Long form content gets more links because its more useful and more comprehensive than short content.
The more useful a piece of content is the greater its value. Google’s gaol as a search engine is to deliver the best to its users. That means delivering full content instead of getting bits or pieces.
Content is one part of how you do it.
Both users and search engines see longer content for the utility it provides
For it being comprehensive
Increasing its dwell time
These are the essentials of quality content and by including them in your content, you increase the number of social shares, get more links and improve rankings.
People have a short attention span but these same people want content that also answers their problems and makes them compelled to share the content.
You earn rewards in multiple ways if you create that kind of content successfully.
You get better user engagement that naturally translate to improved search engine rankings and increased brand visibility.
Patagonia produces tons of long-form content with the help of customers. Its piece on “Climbing in Iceland with Loki the deceiver” by Kitty Calhoun who runs women’s ice and rock climbing club
Chicks Climb is a long and in depth read. It’s a professional travelogue that looks like a professionally created landing page that details every bit of her journey into Iceland. The landing page is rich with images and carries a story through and through.
Creating long-form content and supplementing it with outreach links is one of those underrated links that can help you rank better. In addition to posting this content on your blog repurpose the same content into email newsletters.
What do you think of our tips and tricks? Do let us know in the comments below.
George is a writer and blogger at Kamayobloggers a site he started to talk about CRO and content marketing.